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Showing posts with the label sex

How to Get a Sleepgasm or Sleep Orgasm

Another night passes and I still having some trouble sleeping. Too much caffeine maybe, or there’s something really bugging me. I need to sleep, as depressing as it seems, I can’t force myself to do so. While browsing the net to find something that will help me to fall asleep, I found a rather interesting article, I’m so excited about it that I really want to have one if I manage to get some sleep. I know you know what ‘orgasm’ means, hey don’t get excited yet ;-) Well it happens to everyone. The real question is, have you heard the word ‘sleepgasm’? Aw, I really need that! If you thought only men had wet dreams, well, that’s one myth that can be put to bed. Nocturnal emissions, or orgasms that occur during sleep, are not, in fact, just the provenance of men. 37 percent of women experience a “sleep orgasm” by the age of 45 according to research from the Kinsey Institute, and the average women has nocturnal orgasms fairly constantly, whether or not they are single or married, fro

Sexual Conditions That Are Unusual

Again, another sleepless night. Instead of doing nothing and wait for my body clock to act and let myself to sleep, it’s time to surf the net and search for something to write about. Checking my clock on the wall says it’s already past 4 AM and it’s not normal for me to stay awake that long. It must have been the 4 cups of coffee I drink a while ago while having a nervous breakdown because a simple plan didn’t work and I need to redo everything from the ground up… Well, I’ll tell you all about it some other time! Let’s talk about sex baby. Not in a sensual way though but rather medically. There are conditions in humans believe it or not that is rather amazing than amusing. Let’s name these unusual sexual conditions… PERSISTENT GENITAL AROUSAL DISORDER (PGAD) People with persistent genital arousal disorder, or PGAD, are constantly in a state of sexual arousal. Actual symptoms of PGAD can vary. Women often experience the physical signs of arousal, including engorgem