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Bladder Health

Have you found yourself peeing even in the most inconvenient late hour or worst, so early in the morning? You might be paranoid thinking you had a very serious problem about your health, will it be UTI (urinary track infection), bladder failure or worst STD (sexually transmitted disease). Well, after you manage to calm yourself, here are some health answers about your pee-related inquiries... Read on =) Question # 1 There are times that I try to hold it, can it harm me? If you're thinking that your bladder might stretch out or worst, explode, you are totally wrong. Your bladder is really an expandable organ. The worst that can happen to you if you hold your pee, is you might eventually wet yourself. Can you imagine yourself peeing at that? =) Question # 2 I find myself waking up in the middle of the night a couple of times just to pee, is this normal? If you don't feel pain or burning while you pee or your lower ab doesn't hurt, yes it is completely normal