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Showing posts with the label parenting

Bronson Staker: A True Story, A Miracle

I came across a story that for me, is really worth to share. This is about an ordinary boy, an ordinary 16-month little boy who just wanted to play along with his brother, sister and his parents. There was nothing so extra ordinary about him until an incident. An incident that will prove miracles do happen, this is his story... Bronson Staker is a typical 16-month-old — which is to say, he wasn’t interested in what Mom and Dad were talking about with a stranger. Bronson was far more interested in fussing and squirming and grabbing his father’s cell phone and pretending to talk into it and doing all the delightful things that toddlers do. None of this would be remarkable except for one fact: January 30, 2010, Bronson was dead. That is not an overstatement. Bronson is not a a child who briefly lost consciousness after choking on a piece of candy. There’s no other way to describe his condition other than that one uncompromising word: dead. Bronson’s mother, Sara Staker, had bee