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Showing posts with the label miracle

Baby Macie Hope was Born Again

When the couple Chad and Keri McCartney refer to their daughter Macie Hope as Born Again, they were not referring to the religion. Macie Hope was born literally twice, the difference of her birth was 3 months. Confused? Yeah, I got that when I read her story, and it is really fascinating as well as amazing as a lot of people, especially the couple 'dubbed' this as indeed a miracle. During Keri's six month's pregnancy, the doctors of Texas Children Hospital took the tiny fetus from her womb to remove a tumor. If the operation will not be done, the tumor will kill Baby Macie before she was born. The operation was indeed remarkable, after another 3 months, Baby Macie Hope was born again. May 3, 2008 to be exact, the world welcomes a healthy baby girl. “We were very, very fortunate. It really turned out perfectly.” Words were also amazing to hear being said by Dr. Darrell Cass. He is the fetal surgeon who led the team that performed a surgery that has been successfull

Bronson Staker: A True Story, A Miracle

I came across a story that for me, is really worth to share. This is about an ordinary boy, an ordinary 16-month little boy who just wanted to play along with his brother, sister and his parents. There was nothing so extra ordinary about him until an incident. An incident that will prove miracles do happen, this is his story... Bronson Staker is a typical 16-month-old — which is to say, he wasn’t interested in what Mom and Dad were talking about with a stranger. Bronson was far more interested in fussing and squirming and grabbing his father’s cell phone and pretending to talk into it and doing all the delightful things that toddlers do. None of this would be remarkable except for one fact: January 30, 2010, Bronson was dead. That is not an overstatement. Bronson is not a a child who briefly lost consciousness after choking on a piece of candy. There’s no other way to describe his condition other than that one uncompromising word: dead. Bronson’s mother, Sara Staker, had bee

Samuel Alexander Armas: A True Story

Who is Samuel Alexander Armas? What is his story and why he became famous? Samuel was born on December 28, 1999 by a couple Julie and Alex Armas. He was diagnosed to have a rare medical anomaly called Spina Bifida, where during his development stage as a fetus, his backbone failed to develop and as a result, his left spinal chord is exposed. There's no way he can survive it unless he undergo operation, he was then only 21 weeks old. Imagine that he should be operated while inside her mother's womb. His birth united medical advancement, world's view on abortion and faith. And this is his story... Take a good look at this picture. It's one of the most remarkable photographs ever taken. The tiny hand of a fetus reaches out from a mother's womb to clasp a surgeon's healing finger. It is, by the way, 21 weeks old, an age at which it could still be legally aborted. The tiny hand in the picture above belongs to a baby which is due to be born on December 28 [1999

God's Chest: Inspired by True Events

As I took a quick glance on the clock hanging on the wall just in front of me, I was a bit surprised that it's almost 5 in the morning. I've been sitting here for about 5 hours. The rain starts to fall. For no reason at all, other than just browse the net and look for something I don't even know what it is, I started looking for some stories based on true events. I don't even know but I want to read something inspirational. I wanted to share something inspirational. One story caught my attention, and one thing lead to another, I started typing anything hoping that this story could reach as many as it can... It moved me, and I know you will too... Read on... A cold March wind danced around the dead of night in Dallas as the doctor walked into the small hospital room of Diana Blessing. She was still groggy from surgery. Her husband, David, held her hand as they braced themselves for the latest news. That afternoon of March 10, 1991, complications had forc