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Showing posts with the label cat

What Your Cat is Desperately Trying to Tell You

They say that the dog is a man's best friend, well, the cat is really something else! It is usually my mom who is more of a cat-person in the family, there were times that she seems to be talking with them. The funny thing is, those cats seems to be  having conversation with her, for real! I don't really think that those cats understand her but, I think, sometimes they do ;-) Those simple meows and really cute stares, might be their way to tell you something. Just read on and who knows in anytime from now, you'll find yourself talking to your cat! Hey don't get me wrong here, sometimes, I find myself talking to plants ;-) Okay let's get on with this shall we? When your cat twitches its tail and fixes you with a cold, glassy stare, it means something like: 1. I want a tickle. 2. Let me out. 3. Could you please die now, so that I can eat your remains. My bet would be number three! Can you imagine, can they really eat your remains? ;-) Kitties ar