
Converse All Star: Ramones Issue

Well, we can never understand what Converse is all about if we didn't have a quick glance into their history. I'm sure we can appreciate them more if we try to understand what Converse is all about. Here is a quick tour in our all time favorite, The Converse All Star. Read on =)

Marquis Mill Converse started the Converse Running Shoe Company in Malden, Masachusetts in 1908, it was then a rubber shoe manufacturer. In 1915, they began making athletic shoes for tennis. And 1917, their long wait came, the turning point of the company when they introduced the Converse All-Star basketball shoes. Then in 1921, Charles H. "Chuck" Taylor came to them complaining about sore feet, he is a basketball player then. Converse gave him a job... He became a salesman and an ambassador, he promotes the shoe around United States, his signature eventually added to the All Star patch in 1923. He then died in 1969.

The Chuck Taylor
Over the years, the Chuck Taylor shoe had a lot of nicknames, "Cons", "Connies", "Convics", "Convos", "Verses", "Chuckers", "Chucks", "Converse", "Chuckies", and for the higher style "Chuckie Ts", "Chucker Boots", "Chuck Taylors". For decades, the Chuck Taylor only came in black, its white variant came in 1947. And in 1966, after all he pressure from the basketball team, they decided to manufacture other colors.

Special Editions

There are a lot of special editions that Converse had made including DC comics, AC/DC, Metallica, Sailor Jerry, The Clash, Grateful Dead, Ozzy Osbourne, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana and Ramones. And what we will feature here now is their Ramones edition which was released in your favorite Malls and Shoe stands worldwide...

Ramones Edition
The Ramones were the first punk rock group ever hit the music industry. The band was formed in 1974 at Forest Hills, Queens, New York. They had a major influence at the United States and the United Kingdom as far as punk rock is concerned. 

None of the band members were related to each other bur they all adopted the surname "Ramone". They decided to disband on 1996. Then after 8 years when they decided to break up, three of its founding members, leand singer Joey Ramone, guitarist Johnny Ramone, and basist Dee Dee Ramone - had all died. Marky an Tommy Ramone are their drummers...

I myself is fond of their designs and reputation so i have bought myself one of their Ramones Issue...=)

I can't cover a lot for our all time favorite Converse, so I'll just leave you with photos of some unique designs!

Enjoy =)

If you're a Converse fanatic, and sure you are, has a template where you can design your own converse shoes. I've tried it myself and its really amazing. You just can't get enough of those pair.



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