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The Ravishing Coleus Plants or Mayana

It has been roughly 5 months since the announcement of Quarantine here in the Philippines because of the worldwide Pandemic caused by CoViD-19. Imagine those 5 months with limited resources, places to go to and things to do on a daily basis. well, let's look at the bright side, we got plenty of time. We can spend more time for our family, more time to reevaluate ourselves and most importantly, more time to start a hobby, start learning something new and start to think of things which we can still become productive members of our society ;-) One of probably the most popular thing to do during this Pandemic is start to become a backyard gardener. Yes, as guilty as it is, I am quite a plant addict now thanks to CoViD-19. I have planted an array of both fruiting and leafy vegetables. I am hoping to feed myself on a worst case scenario kind of thing this Pandemic can cause in the future ;-) However, we will not discuss those vegetables while I'm trying to come up with not less than