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Showing posts with the label virtue

Pencils: Guide for a Better Life

It was one late afternoon, I really had nothing to do at that time so I decided to browse the net for a while. Blast the stereo for a couple of songs to set the mood while thinking what to do afterwards. I should do the laundry later on, I had no more decent clothes to wear. Bruno Mars is tearing his pipe for Grenade and I'm still sleepy from a late nap, hey what am I talking about, I should tell you about the pencils! Right, let get it on ;-) I came across one site and I'm amazed on what someone can do with the pencils. He carefully curved some of those and some of that then bang, he just sculptured a remarkable piece of art. Wish I could do the same! Well forget it, I better off writing stuff for them people who can do such things ;-) When you got bored doing nothing, just look for those crappy pencils and why not try to do the alphabet ;-) Okay that's a bit rough, maybe we can try curving heads. I don't even know who might be a good model but what the heck, t