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Showing posts with the label titanic

The Titanic: Jack Should Have Survived

Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet was should I say epic!!! Indeed one of the greatest love story I have heard and watched my whole life. Well, that’s still debatable ;-) Don’t yank on me yet… I have remembered watching it, believe it or not, I have watched it alone, pity me, way back when I’m still in my high school days, and yeah it’s probably fine during that time to have watched it alone, though having some company would be great! Okay so what do we have here? Ah the ordeal when Jack and Rose were already on a piece of wood after the Titanic sunk. There had been a lot of debate that Jack shouldn’t die that night. He should have done a couple or maybe more things to keep himself alive ;-) ‘My Heart Will Go On’, much like the chorus from Celine Dion’s, the tragic conclusion of ‘Titanic’ will live on in all of our hearts until the day we die. And just probably, we will tell the story to our kids so just to relive the moment. Well, I should