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Something You Need to Know About the Famous Coke

I have been sitting on this chair for about 3 hours straight just browsing the net and trying to amuse myself with what I will discover later on. Fortunately, the web have come up with something, and I think, this is something big. So I decided to press the keyboard to, you know, try to inform as many netizens as possible about this. This might not "new" for some but, this might strike you as "interesting". Just read on ;-) First, let's gather some facts about the "water"! 1.  75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population) 2.  In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak. That it is mistaken for hunger 3.  Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism at 3%. 4.  One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs. For almost 100% of the dieters in a University of Washington study. 5.  Lack of water, the number 1 trigger of daytime fatigue. 6.  Preliminary researc